Screamfest 2010: Video and Photos from the Screamfest LA Premieres of YellowBrickRoad and Needle


Dread hit the black carpet of the tenth annual Screamfest LA film festival this past Saturday night at the Grauman’s 6 Theatre in the center of Hollywood, CA, and brought back some video interviews with the filmmakers of the Los Angeles premiering features YellowBrickRoad and Needle.

On hand to discuss the former were the writer/director team of Andy Mitton and Jesse Holland, who enthusiastically chatted up their twist on the “forest horror film,” as were Needle director John V. Soto and producer Deidre Kitcher, Australian filmmakers who riffed on the slasher/giallo hybrid that is Needle.

YellowBrickRoad cast members/producers Clark Freeman and Cassidy Freeman were on hand as well, as were YellowBrickRoad actors Michael Laurino and Laura Heisler and Needle players Trilby Glover, Tahnya Tozzi and Kahn Chittenden. With the after-party going late into the evening at the neighboring sushi bar Koji’s and the fest still in full swing, we snuck out to catch up on editorial (expect continuing coverage), but you can check out some video and photos below.

Screamfest 2010 is running from October 8th through October 17th at the Mann Theatre at the Hollywood and Highland Complex in Hollywood. For more about Screamfest and its line-up this year, check out Screamfest Online here, follow them on Twitter, or fan them on Facebook.

Dread would like to thank photographer Bradley McLaughlin for contributing a portion of the ocular candy.

Andy Mitton, Jesse Holland / John V. Soto, Deidre Kitcher
Uploaded by dreadcentral. – Classic TV and last night's shows, online.

Screamfest 2010: Video and Photos from the Screamfest LA Premieres of Yellowbrickroad and Needle

Screamfest 2010: Video and Photos from the Screamfest LA Premieres of Yellowbrickroad and Needle

Screamfest 2010: Video and Photos from the Screamfest LA Premieres of Yellowbrickroad and Needle

Screamfest 2010: Video and Photos from the Screamfest LA Premieres of Yellowbrickroad and Needle

Screamfest 2010: Video and Photos from the Screamfest LA Premieres of Yellowbrickroad and Needle

Sean Decker

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