Unbury the Hatchet


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Hatchet (click for larger image)I’ve heard it all before.

“I’m sick of remakes!” “Another lame sequel!?” “Great, another timid PG-13 shitfest.”

Do you feel that way? Do you really feel that way? Then the time has come to do something about it.

This weekend some moviegoers will be lucky enough to catch the trailer for Hatchet (review here) before drinking in the thick gooey goodness that is 28 Weeks Later (review here).

You want blood? You want practical FX instead of lame cartoonish CGI? You want Kane Hodder delivering the most gore-soaked performance of his career? Horror fans, Hatchet is the movie you’ve been waiting for. I shit you not.

“Now is the time to start asking your local theater to carry Hatchet when it opens on September 7th,” says director Adam Green. “Go in person, write, e-mail, call – whatever it takes to keep on your local theater’s manager and make sure that Hatchet is playing near you on the very day it opens.

Your voices make all of the difference. It’s in your hands now. Do you want more PG-13 Hollywood remakes? Or do you want to see some old school American horror at the box office again? It’s time for the Hatchet Army to bring it to the front lines.”

So that’s it. Visit Hatchet‘s official site here, befriend the depraved on Hatchet‘s MySpace page here, and visit Dread Central’s Hatchet archive here.

It’s put up or shut up time. Make your voice be heard. Let’s finally take a stand and do something other than complain to each other. I plan to be out there guns blazing. Who’s fuckin’ with me?

Uncle Creepy

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