The WTF Friday Video of the Week: The WTF Blanket

You have seen them in stores. You watched in horror as others bought them for their “loved” ones. You’ve mocked anyone that dares to wear one in front of you. Looking for a little WTF to usher in the weekend’s frightful activities? Don’t worry, kids. We’ve got you covered. Or should we say “IT” has you covered?
I speak of course of the damned wretched piece of fabric known as The Snuggie. Below you’ll find a parody of the awful commercial that we’ve all seen countless times. Only this time it has a mighty spin of truthiness to it!
Dig on it below, and thanks to DC reader GJW for sending this one in.
Have a suggestion for the WTF Friday Video of the Week? Send it in by clicking on our name and mailing us below. If it makes us laugh … or confuses us, we will run it!
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