Clive Barker’s The Scarlet Gospels Finally on its Way to Completion

We’ve been waiting endlessly for the great Clive Barker to finish up the final chapter in his literary Hellraiser saga, The Scarlet Gospels, which finds Pinhead going one-on-one with Harry D’Amour, and now finally … there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
According to Revelations: The Official Clive Barker Website:
“Having long grown out of its ‘short story’ format, The Scarlet Gospels (the long-awaited Pinhead versus Harry D’Amour story) continued to expand to at least 230,000 words long. Whilst our friend with the pins might think he has exacted some kind of influence over the publication date, knowing his fate is contained within its pages, he has perhaps not reckoned on his author teaming up with the fearsome writer and editor, Mark Miller…
Clive’s taken an extended break before completing the final draft, during which time he has instead completed Mister B. Gone, the third book of the continuing Abarat series and the stories for Black is the Devil’s Rainbow, but Mark’s involvement now brings Scarlet Gospels much closer to a clear delivery date, as he explains below…
As we continue to follow the emergence of The Scarlet Gospels, Clive has passed on an epigram (paint splats and all!) which he is currently considering for the opening pages of the novel:”

“His friend demanding what scarlet was, the blind man answered: It was like the sound of a trumpet.” – John Locke, Human Understanding
In an earlier interview Clive said of the story, ”It is an epic book, but it is my farewell to the hell part of my life. It also completely transforms the character of Harry D’Amour, so it is a very important part of my own little private mythology.” We just cannot wait!
Thanks to DC reader Jinx for giving us a heads-up!
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