Another Super 8 Viral Message: Rocket Poppeteers Want to Get to Know You

Those of us who signed up to be “Rocket Poppeteers” as part of the viral marketing for JJ Abrams’ upcoming Super 8 got an email today thanking us for submitting our application and including a link to a quiz whereby they can get to know us a little better.
Below is a snippet of the quiz that includes yet another reference to Capt. “Coop” Cooper, a name that’s figured prominently in all the viral marketing thus far. Got your curiosity piqued? Head on over to the official “Rocket Poppeteers” website and join now if you haven’t already. There’s also a pretty cool spaceship simulator you can play around on – Join Capt. Coop and Explore the Unknowns of Space! Check out a screengrab from it below, too.
The film starring Elle Fanning and Kyle Chandler is shooting right now in Weirton, West Virginia. Super 8 tells the tale of a bunch of kids who are shooting a movie with a Super 8 camera that notice upon viewing their footage that they’ve captured what appears to be an alien on film.
Look for more soon!

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