Get A Bad Reputation


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Bad Reputation(click to see it bigger!)Hot damn! After a few years in hiding Bad Reputation (review) is breaking out of its shell to show itself off to audiences at Cannes. We just don’t get enough high school thrillers these days… well, ones that aren’t packed with emo kids and PG-13 ratings anyway.

Maverick Entertainment released new artwork for Bad Reputation that certainly has this Jim Hemphill picture looking sexy and deadly. I don’t remember girls like this in my school. Most of them were knocked up before graduation and somehow already had welfare checks arriving in the mail. At least two of them went into labor during prom … that wasn’t sexy.

As far as the story goes, this one is plain and simple: Michelle is a good girl who gets labeled a slut by her fellow classmates. How does she cope with this bullying? Murder! Yes, the age old tradition of dealing with any problem is to cut up a few people. Refreshing? Let us hope so.

Kryten Syxx

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