Halloween Treat: Join Joe and Lloyd Stas’ Spooky Club – A Tribute to Vincent Price

Last year we featured Joe and Lloyd Stas’ short film Death Master’s House as part of our “seasonal treats” for Halloween, and this year the brothers are back with another… Spooky Club, which is a tribute to horror icon Vincent Price.
In fact, Vincent’s daughter, Victoria, just contacted the filmmakers yesterday (on the 23rd anniversary of his death) saying how much she liked it and how her dad would have loved it, too. I don’t think there’s any higher praise than that!
Spooky Club stars Michael Muyunda, Simon Curd, Clare Woods, Rowan Stas, and Chewie, featuring Daniel Scheinert, one half of “DANIELS” and co-director of the incredible Swiss Army Man.
Vincent Price died on the 25th of October, 1993. Support his legacy by visiting these pages: vincentprice.com and vincentpricelegacy.com.
Interested in joining Spooky Club? (It really is a thing!) Visit holomaxtheatre.com/join-spooky-club.
This Halloween, Spooky Club decides to retrieve the stolen skull of Vincent Price and cremate it, just like he wanted.