Extraterrestre – Aliens Invade In Latest Nacho Vigalondo Film

Man, today’s been the day of teaser images and trailers, has it not? While there’s no video for the following, the two latest teaser posters for Nacho Vigalando’s latest invasion movie Extraterrestre (or Alien) are bound to bring a smile to your face.
Extraterrestre stars Michelle Jenner (Faust, Spanish Movie), Carlos Areces, Julián Villagrán, Raúl Cimas (Spanish Movie), and Miguel Noguera.
Check out the plot crunch and the artwork below courtesy of Cineblog.
“Everyone knows what to do if one morning the sky would be absolutely full of UFOs: run as fast as you can. However, what would happen if the invasion started while you are in the flat of the girl of your dreams, the one you have just met?”

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