The WTF Friday Video of the Week: Helping Johnny Remember

Horror films have many tried and true formulas, but few end up being as spooky as those that have something to do with the evil little bastards known as … children.
An anonymous Dread Central reader sent in the following video that’s part disturbing, part unsettling, part spooky, and totally fuckin’ weird. “Helping Johnny Remember” is a horror remix that utilizes Helping Johnny Remember.
So here you are, dearest reader. Another quick trip to Bizarro-Land courtesy of the video gods over at YouTube and an editor named ashleigh44 who has quite a future in the biz!
Have a suggestion for our WTF Friday Video of the Week? Click my name below and send it on over. If it makes us giggle or just plain confuses us, we’ll include it! Rock on!
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