The Swarm Fights Back


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DeLaurentiis to produce adaptation of The SwarmWe’ve been fucking with our environment for so many years, how long do you really think it’s going to take for our environment to start fucking with us back?

According to the best selling novel The Swarm (get it here) written by Frank Schatzing, not very much longer. The book tells of an alien presence that lives at the bottom of the ocean. After humans destroy its eco-system, it’s forced to surface and take us all out. Only seems fair to me.

Variety got word this morning that Dino and Martha DeLaurentiis have scooped up the film rights for the book, partnering with a trio of German producers to bring it to the big screen. Ted Tally, who last worked with Dino on Silence of the Lambs, is on board to help adapt the novel to screenplay format.

As long as there are monsters in it, I’ll take the ecological message the film has to force feed me. However, if fucking with our eco-system really does mean that monsters will rise from the deep, we might just have to let it continue on. How cool would that be?

More on The Swarm as we learn it!

Johnny Butane

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