More Zombies Shambling Our Way in They Walk

It’s no secret around the Dread Central offices that we love the living dead and are always on the lookout for some promising new flicks for you guys to dig on. Enter They Walk, the latest indie-driven flesh-eating feast!
From the official They Walk website:
“The story started as a discussion about how to best stave off and survive through the inevitable oncoming zombie apocalypse. Several survival methods were discussed, each with their own likelihood of survival. These ideas eventually became a story and, over the course of time, a script. After shooting many interviews for a documentary on the history of zombie cinema, the genre became a much more interesting place, and definable story arcs, common elements, ethos and social commentaries seemed to come from the various eras of the genre.
With this in mind, each of the five groups of survivors in They Walk is modeled after an era of zombie cinema, both in visual aesthetic and story. Some references are much more obvious than others, while some are subtle to the point of taking a real interest in the genre itself to catch. However, any viewer with an admiration for independent film can appreciate the story, whether steeped in zombie genre tidbits or only a casual nibbler of the flesh-eater genre.
They Walk is writer and director Charles House’s first feature film and Macabre Cafe’s second production credit. Its tentative release is fall of 2010.”
For more, including a ton of behind-the-scenes images, dig on the They Walk Facebook page. Enough talk! Check out the trailer and early art below.
“They Walk” Trailer from Charles House on Vimeo.
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