Worst Bachelor Party Ever


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Bachelor Party Massacre (click to see it bigger)You know what ruins a bachelor party even more than having the future wife show up, seeing what sort of shenanigans her future husband is up to, flying into a rage, and calling off the wedding? Having a homicidal maniac show up and begin killing off the guests one-by-one. That always kills a bachelor party in more ways than one. Enterprising filmmakers have realized this and thus made a horror movie about a massacre at a bachelor party, even going so far as to cleverly title the film Bachelor Party Massacre.

So this dude is getting married, and that means bachelor party. His friends organize one at a private club – a good place for a bachelor party – that just happens to be located at a secluded woodland summer retreat currently closed down due to the off-season – always a good place for a massacre. It’s your typical bachelor party with plenty of T&A and drunken debauchery, but there’s one itty bitty problem. Seems one of the hot blonde strippers isn’t actually a stripper. She’s actually a hot blonde murderess who just escaped from prison and the drunken revelers have mistaken her for one of the strippers. And given that her initial crime was murdering her father for cheating on mom with a stripper, something tells me that if the bachelor survives this ordeal, at the very least he’s gonna be in need of some new groomsmen.

Trinity Home Entertainment will be releasing Bachelor Party Massacre to DVD on June 19th. You can check out the film’s trailer by clicking here.

I must stress my disappointment that the filmmakers couldn’t at least get Adrian Zmed, co-star of the 1984 comedy Bachelor Party, to do a cameo, if only just long enough to get killed. A Tom Hanks cameo would have no doubt been even harder to pull off.

The Foywonder

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