Paranormal Activity 2 Trailer Dissected Further

A couple of days ago we did a story about the official trailer for Paranormal Activity 2 going viral. So what exactly does that mean? We did some diggin’ and have brought you some really interesting new imagery.
Essentially when you head on over to the official Paranormal Activity 2 website and watch the trailer, play with the video a bit. Rewind. Fast forward. Pause. The more you play, the more you’ll see.
Even before the viral stuff fan speculation was rampant. So much so we went and grabbed some screenshots from the trailer that you may have missed. You can dig the original three images below.
In image one you’ll notice that even though the baby in the shot is standing up in its crib in the mirror, it’s not present in the actual room. Even more curious … you’ll notice something scrawled in the mirror toward the bottom left-hand corner. In image two you’ll see a better closeup of these words. Still not making sense? Then check out image three as we flipped things around so it’s readable — “What is happening to Hunter?”
If you listen carefully to the audio during the end title treatment of the trailer below, you can even hear the word Hunter play as the film is being reversed.
With that all uncovered, we also grabbed some screenshots from the viral version of the trailer. What does it all mean? Who’s Hunter? We don’t know, but one thing’s for sure … something is up with that damned baby! Check out the four new images below our original grabs.
Find something else? Let us know in the comments section below.
To stay tuned to all things Paranormal Activity 2 related, keep your eye on the official Paranormal Activity 2 website, and follow the film on Twitter (@TweetYourScream)!
Look for the film in theatres October 22nd of this year.

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