Be a Zombie in Michael Bartlett and Kevin Gates’ The Zombie Diaries 2

We are willing to bet that those of you who have seen the genius little living dead flick The Zombie Diaries (review here) from filmmakers Michael Bartlett and Kevin Gates are just as excited for its sequel as we are. So the question beckons — how excited would you be to actually play a zombie in the flick? Read on for the skinny!
The Zombie Diaries 2 is gearing up right now, and the good folks over at the UK’s Abertoir Film Festival are giving the guys a hand by helping to secure some shamblers for a shot in the movie!
If interested, just hit up the above linkage to sign up for active dead duty, and you’ll get to be in the movie in an amazing beach sequence at the end and get your name in the credits to boot! Bartlett promises, “It will be something never quite seen before.”
Look for more on this flick as soon as we get it!

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