Take Care Of Tilly


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Oh those crazy teens, will they never learn? How many times do groups of them have to be killed in abandoned places by psychos before they get the message? I guess these stupid kids have to exist so the nut-jobs can live.

During Halloween a few young guys have decided to pull off a prank or two on their girlfriends in an empty grapefruit orchard. Everything would be fine and dandy if it weren’t for … The Caretaker.

We got word today that Jennifer Tilly and Judd Nelson have attached themselves to a new Bryce Olson project, The Caretaker. Tilly gets to play a hot teacher who is willing to sleep with one of her students in exchange for a shot at fame. “We took a current trend that we found both tragic and disturbing and put it in the forefront of our film,” says director Bryce Fridrik Olson. “No one could do a better job as this character than the sexy and talented Jennifer Tilly. We were lucky to have her and Judd.”

This one feels like a case of wait-and-see. Keep checking back for more info.

Kryten Syxx

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