Robert Kurtman’s Creature Corps Bringing the Blood to Hostel Part III

If there’s one thing the Hostel films are known for, it is their gore. Yep, the red stuff has a glorious way of being splashed around with reckless abandon, and hopefully the third one will be no different.
Today we learned via their website that Robert Kurtman’s Creature Corps will be bringing the grue to the film.
“Genre fans may recall that Precinct 13 worked on the original HOSTEL back in 2005 and that writer/director Scott Spiegel has worked with Robert Kurtzman on numerous projects over the past three decades. Kurtzman just returned from a visit to the Michigan set of HOSTEL 3, where the blood is flowing nicely.”
Hostel Part III stars Kip Pardue, Brian Hallisay, Sarah Habel, John Hensley, Skyler Stone and Thomas Kretschmann and is directed by Scott Spiegel.
The story concerns a Vegas bachelor party that turns grisly when the groom (Hallisay) learns that his longtime best friend (Pardue) has targeted him for ritual murder.

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