Bruce Goes Theatrical

Bruce Campbell’s going to be on your TV screen again soon, playing a sidekick character in a new show called “Burn Notice”; hopefully this one will last longer than some of the shows the man actually starred in, too.
Crave Online sat down with the actor recently to chat about the show, and of course his various other projects were brought up. Nothing solid on a new Evil Dead, thank God, but he did say they’d be shooting Bubba Nosferatu when there was a script, though I had heard one was already written and they were just looking for money.
The best part of the interview, though, is a status update on My Name is Bruce, which he directed and stars in: “We’re finishing it for theatrical. We’re doing all the effects at a high enough grade that it will be for theaters. Yeah, this film will not escape. It will be released.”
That is some awesome news, as I was very worried this would be a direct-to-DVD situation. He also goes on to say that they already have the money for the sequel, though whether or not it gets made likely depends on Bruce’s schedule and how well the first film does. Be sure to check out the entire interview right here to learn more!
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