Full FrightFest Schedule Announced!


The New Zone Horror Film Festival logo!Damn, if only to be in the UK… not only do they have their very own horror channel (which I've been hearing better stuff about lately), but they've also got a kickass yearly festival called FrightFest that said channel is sponsoring this year. Formally titled The Zone Horror FrightFest, the lineup this year includes Chris Smith's horror/comedy Severance, Guillermo del Toro's fantasy epic Pan's Labyrinth (review), Adam Green's Hatchet (review), Adrift (which is being released everywhere else as Open Water 2), Adam Green's Broken (review), The Lost (review), and a helluva lot more.

The Zone Horror FrightFest runs from August 25th to August 28th at the Odeon in West London this year. Most of the filmmakers behind the movies showing will be in attendance as well, including Guillermo himself, so if you're on that British Isle, be sure to make plans for it. The full program (or programme, as they call it) is available at the festival's official site, which can be found by clicking here.

Johnny Butane

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