The WTF Friday Video of the Week – Home Intrusion Gets Funky with a Dollop of … Well, You’ll See!

That’s right, kids! Time for another edition of our WTF Friday Video of the Week, and this one is stacked with the type of strangeness that has become a favorite around the Dread Central offices! Dare you see what’s on tap?
First up we have the sad story of an intruder’s attempt to violate a sleeping woman. Thankfully no one was hurt, but a couple of enterprising young sickos (oh, how we love them) decided to take the actual (and ludicrous) newscast you’ll see below in video #1, remix it and then make it funky!
As a bonus we are also throwing in another slice of the bizarre coming out of Japan that will have you forever forsaking the Macarena in favor of something a bit more stinky.
Have a suggestion for our WTF Friday Video of the Week? Click my name below and send it on over. If it makes us giggle or just plain confuses us, we’ll include it! Rock on!
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