Daniel Stamm Talks The Last Exorcism on Home Video and Hints at Next Project

Andrew Kasch just called in from the junket for The Last Exorcism (review here) with a couple of really interesting tidbits for us regarding the film’s home video release as well as what’s next for director Daniel Stamm.
When the flick does hit home video, it will be coming with one very interesting feature that will be worth the price of the DVD/Blu-ray alone – a commentary track by an actual exorcist! Color us completely interested! Stamm also mentioned that he would prefer deleted scenes not be included as he feels they could detract the tone of the movie, but he acknowledges that this is a battle he might lose.
When pressed for any news of what his next project is going to be, Stamm was for the most part tight-lipped but did let loose a couple of tidbits about it. “My next film will not be documentary style. There will be a clear narrative,” says Stamm. “It is going to be a supernatural film, and I’m excited because my all-time favorite filmmaker will be producing it.”
Moving on, we spoke a little later with producer Eli Roth, who confirmed that to his knowledge Stamm’s favorite director is Lars von Trier. Could a collaboration be far off? Only time will tell!
Look for The Last Exorcism in theatres on August 27th. Check out the official The Last Exorcism Facebook page for more; then dig on the official The Last Exorcism website here.
The Last Exorcism – Trailer
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