Ghost Rider to Crank Dracula’s Castle in 3D

After this latest news that the Ghost Rider 2 is going to be set in Europe after all and possibly have the Spirit of Vengeance battling vampires, something tells me this sequel is going to be mega oodles of stupid. And with the Crank guys directing it in 3D, I wouldn’t be shocked if this movie causes someone watching to actually die from motion sickness.
We’ve done multiple stories in past months regarding the progress of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, the sequel only Nic Cage and the rights holders trying to prevent the Ghost Rider property from reverting back to Marvel before the end of the year if a new movie isn’t in production asked for. MTV’s Splash Page brings us news that flaming skull will be cranking his bike a few months from now under the direction of ADD enthusiasts Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor (the Crank and Gamer guys). Oh, and it will be shot in Romania in 3D and the real Castle Dracula will somehow figure into the plot.
Cage’s money quote: “I’ll be filming it in Romania, which is exciting, since that’s where Dracula’s castle is. The Ghost Rider has to ride up to Dracula’s castle.”
So does this mean Ghost Rider is going to fight Dracula in the film or they just planning to milk the Transylvanian setting for all its worth? More importantly, what will Cage’s hairpiece look like this time?
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