See 28 Weeks Early


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See 28 Weeks early!With 28 Weeks Later looming on the horizon, we horror fans are getting a bit nervous. So far what we’ve seen looks damn good; the cast is solid, the director is talented and the gore is prolific, but man, we’ve been bitten one too many times, right?

So if you’re willing to give it a chance but are gunshy about spending your hard-earned on it, we’ve got the perfect solution. As long as you’re in or around Hollywood, that is.

We’ve got five (5) pairs of tickets for a screening of 28 Weeks Later taking place in the City of Angels next Thursday (May 10th). Details as to when and where the screening is will be sent to the winners, but if you plan to enter, you need to be sure you can make the screening! Nothing more embarrassing than handing out free movie tickets to people who don’t use ’em.

So clear your Thursday schedule and drop us a line right here with your FULL NAME and MAILING ADDRESS to enter to win. We’ll pick the five winners and notify them on Tuesday, May 8th, just to make sure they have plenty of time to get ready for the show. Good luck!

Johnny Butane

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