11:11’ers in a Tizzy over Darren Bousman’s 11 11 11

You know what’s scarier than even the most outrageous horror movie? Reality. Some people, man. They just take their beliefs to the extreme. As it turns out, the recent announcement of Darren Bousman’s new film 11 11 11 has sent believers of the 11:11 phenomenon into an absolute hissy fit! Strap in, kids! We have a tale to tell.
Before we get into all that, though, let’s explain the phenomenon. 11:11 is all centered on the emergence of that number in people’s lives that alerts them to angels or spirit guardians trying to communicate with them.
Seriously? The other-worldly nature of this belief alone makes it perfect horror movie fodder, and with Bousman at the helm of a horror film that utilizes certain aspects of said phenomenon, movie fans will be in for a hell of a ride. However, this comes much to the chagrin of folks online who truly believe in the whole 11:11 thing. In fact, a lot of them are pretty pissed off.
While surfing around several 11:11 sites online (not gonna link them; you can go find them for yourself) because I knew nothing about all this supernatural jazz, I came across several message boards talking about Bousman’s intent with the movie, and there were plenty of reactions to speak of.
“My first reaction was anger then I thought start a Petition, however then my thought was if we did that then it will draw more attention to the movie and more will want to see it, so maybe ignoring it will be better, or how about all of us changing the future by projecting that the movie fails at the box office or projecting that he doesn’t raise enough money to make it, if enough of [us] do this maybe the movie will never manifest itself.”
“well i [guess] we know hes not on the side of light especialy since he is destroying our mission…if my energy and universe bending can do anything he will pay for this and he will regret the day he decided to do this film…”
“Oh for Gods sake! And releasing this on that day which is clearly an attempt to counteract an energy shift and any global meditations/lightwork on that date is well pretty horrific in itself…”
“he is perposefully trying to thwart all of the positive energy we have saved and use it for his own evil he will soon learn about the darkness he is calling upon he’s going to rew this day”
“We just need to band together to stop this kind of thing. Focus our energies. Target them so that Hollywood can be stopped. Great way to have people learn about 11:11 through fear.”
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, too. Thankfully there appear to be just as many level-headed believers out there who are trying to keep the more, shall we say, aggressive folks grounded to the realm of reality.
When reached for comment Bousman replied simply, “I understand their concern, but I wish people would know facts before throwing stones.”
I just wish the remaining Mayans showed as much bravado and moxie when 2012 came out! What do YOU believe? Tell us below.
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