Hellraiser Remake Still Happening


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Hellraiser remake still in the cardsThe other day I heard from Red Shirt president Mike Felsher, who chatted with me about some stuff he was working on for the upcoming 20th Anniversary Edition DVD of Clive Barker’s Hellraiser. Though right now all that’s been done are some interviews, more is being planned for down the road, but how cool would it be if it came out the same time as the Hellraiser remake got rolling?

Yes, the remake, remember that? All has been quiet pretty much since it was announced, but Shock Till You Drop heard from the set of Midnight Meat Train that the redux is still on the block for Barker’s Seraphim Films, and in fact Clive has turned in a 40-page, hand-written treatment for Hellraiser‘s reinvention, though no details about what was different from the original were mentioned.

I guess those of you who thought the idea of remaking Hellraiser was a good one now have something to smile about, while those of you who feel the original is a near-sacred film that should never be touched get to renew your bitching. So everybody wins!

Johnny Butane

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