Video Chats with Being Human’s Lenora Crichlow and Sinead Keenan


BBC America's Being HumanIf you haven’t been watching Season Two of “Being Human” on BBC America, you’re really missing out. We’re halfway through the eight-episode storyline already, but thanks to On Demand, you should be able to catch up. For those who have been watching, we’ve got video chats with Lenora Crichlow and Sinead Keenan to help get you geared up for the rest of the season.

First up is Sinead (aka Nina Pickering, werewolf George’s love interest), who offers tips on what makes a great actor, including her specialty … mastering accents.

Next is Lenora (aka Annie, the spectral member of “Being Human’s” trio of a ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf), who talks about Annie’s evolution as a character this season. Note that this is only Part 1 of Lenora’s interview on BBC America so be sure to check back for Part 2 soon.

Season Two Synopsis:
Russell Tovey, Lenora Crichlow, and Aidan Turner portray George, Annie, and Mitchell, three twenty-somethings trying to live as normally as possible despite being a werewolf, a ghost, and a vampire.

After the death of vampire leader Herrick at the end of Season One, the supernatural friends are hoping they can now get on with their lives, but an even greater danger is lurking within the very human world of which they want to be a part. Unbeknown to the trio, the mysterious Professor Jaggat and her cold-hearted colleague Kemp – religious zealots who have discovered the existence of vampires, werewolves and ghosts – are determined to carry out brutal experiments and destroy them.

While Professor Jaggat and Kemp plot behind the scenes, werewolf George is coming to terms with the fact that he has Herrick’s blood on his hands and a girlfriend, Nina (Sinead Keenan), who knows his horrific secret. Turning down the door of death has implications for ghost Annie, but her confidence is at a peak and she’s determined to stand up and be counted in the real world. And, with Herrick gone, Mitchell must appease an out-of-control vampire world – can he find a way to lead by example?

Season Three is currently filming and scheduled to premiere in the UK next January, 2011 (we in the States will probably have to wait until the summer for our fix per usual). For more follow @bbcbeinghuman’s Twitter page, and visit the official Being Human site on the BBC as well as on BBC America, where you’ll find lots more videos and behind-the-scenes treats.

Debi Moore

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