Evil Dead 4 Rumors Resurface


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Evil Dead 4 rumors resurfaceOh, God, here we go again…

Of course with Spider-Man 3 looming like a sleeping 800-lb. gorilla just around the corner, someone’s got to bring up the idea of director Sam Raimi heading back to the horror genre again. This time it’s Aussie site Moviehole reporting that Raimi recently told The Herald Sun that he’s asked brother Ivan Raimi (who co-wrote Army of Darkness) to sit down and pen a new Evil Dead, though he was not specific if he was referring to a sequel or the long-discussed remake.

Why? So when people ask him if he’s ever making it he can now say that there’s a script but it will never see the light of day? Or could the one-time indie director really be planning on getting ole Bruce to dust off his boomstick yet again? I guess we’ll have to wait and see if Spider-Man 4 happens first, which is of course depending on how it does this weekend and if star Toby McGuire even wants to come back.

We’ll keep our ears open and let you know as soon as we hear more!

Johnny Butane

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