Controversial New Piranha 3D TV Spot

Ah, “>Piranha 3D (review here)! You warm our hearts with your promises of boobs and blood. Billed the summer movie that is not family friendly, the flick is causing quite a buzz. The sliver of trashy good fun recently submitted a TV spot to various networks to run this weekend, but the powers-that-be denied the content, citing it as too gory for TV. Of course, we have it for you here!
So why was it rejected? Let’s take a look at the network notes!
Make sure the beer bottle in guy’s hand is generic or paint over.
Please cover up more of the breast area of the woman on left who comes up out of the water with the other girl.
Need to lose the shot of woman in thong doing dry humping/grinding motion on top of the other girl with thong. Obviously, both of these women’s naked-thonged butts are facing the camera and as I would say to add coverage to their butts, we just need to lose this shot all together. Now, this shot is in super low res so I don’t have great detail on the white t-shirted girls, but just in case… for the woman facing the camera, we need to make sure we cannot see any nipple protrusion, that this t-shirt is NOT “wet” or that there is any breast jiggling.
Please confirm what guy screams out “Are you ready for_____.” Please confirm what he says here.
Please make sure girls on stage have enough coverage on their butts (like the one to the far right as we do see the side of her).
We need to darken ALL of the blood shown in spot. This includes on the woman’s arm in the black bathing suit on boat.
Please make sure this woman’s boobs are not coming out of her top. Please lose shot of blood splattering on woman and make sure to darken blood (or remove) from guy at end who gets thrown out of boat by piranha.
Comments to specific frames:
At 00:11 – Please audio drop “titty.”
Please lose “titties,” and “Pissed.”
Comments to specific frames:
At 00:08 – please crop this shot or cover the woman’s breasts more in this shot. (scene with the 2 woman coming up to the surface from underwater)
At 00:09 – Please lose this shot (woman in thong on all fours with other woman behind her in grinding motion)
At 00:11 – If, in this shot in higher definition, we can see any of the women’s nipples through their shirts, this shot will be problematic. (close-up of woman’s breast area in wet t-shirt)
At 00:15 – please lose this shot, crop it or provide more coverage on the woman’s rear end on the far right. (the scene with women in white t-shirts on stage)
At 00:24 – Please lose this shot (woman in black ‘peace’ bikini with blood splattered on her body & face)
Piranha 3D is in theatres NOW!
Jaws… lots and lots of jaws. From acclaimed director Alexandre Aja (The Hills Have Eyes) comes the new action thriller PIRANHA 3D, in the latest eye-popping 3D technology. A new type of terror is about to be cut loose on beautiful Lake Victoria. After a sudden underwater tremor sets free scores of the prehistoric man-eating fish, an unlikely group of strangers must band together to stop themselves from becoming fish food for the area’s new razor-toothed residents. But our heroine (Elisabeth Shue) is seriously outnumbered, and with only one chance to save the lake and her family from totally being devoured, she must risk everything to destroy the aquatic carnivores herself.
Dig on the rejected TV spot below courtesy of (believe it or not)
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