DiBlasi’s Got the Pig Blood Blues


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Another Book of Blood movie planned!Like all news related to Clive Barker-inspired projects, be sure to take this one with a healthy dose of cautious optimism. Though the reality that Midnight Meat Train is finally in front of cameras with a badass director behind it is a good sign, we’re not out of the woods yet.

There is some hope in sight, however, as Shock Till You Drop got word from Seraphim exec producers Joe Daley and Anthony DiBlasi that six of the Books of Blood stories are now in some script form or another, and Pig Blood Blues looks like it will be the next to step in front of cameras, with DiBlasi at the helm.

“To me, ‘Blues’ is a twisted take on a classic ghost story,” he told the site. “I love stories about outsiders, and those kids at this juvenile detention center were certainly outsiders.” The detention center he refers to is the setting for the story, in which some kids have a very hard time with a possessed pig. To put it mildly.

Check out the rest of DiBlasi’s comments over on Shock, where they also make mention of the other story planned for a film after Pig Blood and remember: Keep hope alive!

Johnny Butane

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