Son of O’Connell Cast


Luke Ford cast in Mummy 3Rob Cohen and company have finally found the new man upon whose shoulders the future of the Mummy franchise will rest: 26-year-old Australian actor Luke Ford, so reports Variety.

Hoping to bring in someone who can carry the third Mummy movie to the point that no one will notice Rachel Weisz isn’t back (sure, good luck with that), the filmmakers see the casting of Ford as a potential future deal to keep the Mummy franchise rolling.

The Mummy 3 will take place in China and find 20-something Alex O’Connell and his father Rick (Brendan Fraser, reprising his role) uncovering an ancient Chinese Mummy (Jet Li) who was cursed by a female wizard (Michelle Yeoh) centuries earlier. Mayhem ensues.

Shooting on The Mummy 3 will roll in the very un-China-esque Montreal on July 27th before it moves on to China, with the film expected to be a Universal tentpole release for summer of 2008. This will be Ford’s biggest role to date, having stared in little-known movies like Kokoda previously.

Johnny Butane

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