Hellboy Game Revealed!

I have to say it’s very cool to see Hellboy getting such mainstream appreciation since Guillermo del Toro’s 2003 film focusing on the character, the brainchild of Mike Mignola.
Fear filled me when a video game was announced for Big Red at last year’s E3, but I know neither del Toro nor Mignola would let something out to the masses with Hellboy on it that they weren’t happy with. Proof of that showed up today over on Gamespot, who got a first look at the game for the Xbox 360 and the PSP (it’s also being developed for the PS3).
I’ll leave their thoughts for you to peruse at your leisure; just hit the link above. What impressed me the most was the way the game looks, so we stole some screenshots from them that you can see below. Very badass, no? More are available at Gamespot so get clickin’!

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