Bettlejuice is Back?

Fans who have been waiting for someone to finally get off their asses and make a sequel to Beetlejuice can rest a bit easier tonight; word has come down that one is finally in the works over at Warner’s home video line. The rest of us can be left to wonder why.
Moviehole got a press release from the Warner Australia arm indicating some new direct-to-DVD sequels being planned for the near future and Beetlejuice was the most interesting of the bunch. Michael Keaton will likely not be back, Tim Burton will not be directing, but somehow they’ll continue on with the story of the Ghost With the Most.
I just hope it’s not the damn Beetlejuice Goes to Hawaii story they were discussing a few years back; that just sounded lame as hell. We’ll do some digging and see what more we can find out about the sequel, but you can also look forward to new sequels for Under Siege, Space Jam, Training Day and Dark Castle movies to go in front of cameras this year, as well.
Wonder if Winona will return in our forums!
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