The Rider Will Come In June

Nic Cage needs to stay far, far away from any films that involve him being set ablaze. Last year’s The Wicker Man kicked us all in the teeth with an unneeded but unintentionally hilarious remake that invented the ultimate question: How did it get burned?!
Cage’s next fiery project had been a long time coming and showed a lot of promise, especially for comic book fans. The flaming skull of vengeance was about to char the big screen with what looked like a high octane thrill ride … then came the much pushed around theatrical release of Ghost Rider (review) and we wept. Between the dodgy CGI, rejected Covenant 2 villains and hammy acting galore, there was little to love about this film with the exception of a few moments when Nic manages to be funny.
Davis DVD put up the great looking cover art, but this is small potatoes for those with an appetite for punishment or a motorcycle fetish like me. What will make this set more attractive to our wallets than the regular release? On June 12th Ghost Rider‘s Extended Cut will hit the shelves with the following special features:
-Commentary by Nicolas Cage, Director Mark Steven Johnson and Producer Gary Foster
–Sin & Salvation: 4-Part Ghost Rider Comic Book History
–Spirit of Vengeance: 2-Part Making of Ghost Rider Featurette
Hmmm. But, how much of the film is extended? How many minutes? Pre-order it here … if you dare!
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