Huge Masters DVD Update!


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Been waiting for more DVD news on the second season Masters of Horror episodes? Well, the wait is now over! If you haven’t been waiting, however … we really can’t help you.

Fangoria has learned via Anchor Bay that the next batch of eps will be released as follows:

  • July 17th – Stuart Gordon’s “The Black Cat” (review)
  • August 14th – Mick Garris’ “Valerie on the Stairs” (review) and Tom Holland’s “We All Scream for Ice Cream” (review)
  • September 18th – Brad Anderson’s “Sounds Like” (review) and Peter Medak’s “The Washingtonians” (review)
  • But wait! There’s more!

    In addition to these dates, Fango also learned that “The Black Cat” will come with commentary from Gordon and star Jeffrey Combs, making-of and “Bringing Down the Axe” featurettes, stills and a Gordon bio. “Valerie on the Stairs” will have a Garris commentary, making-of and editing featurettes, DVD-ROM screenplay and Garris bio. Finally, “Sounds Like” will showcase Anderson’s commentary, making-of and FX featurettes, DVD-ROM screenplay and trailers.

    There, now you’re all up-to-date on your Masters of Horror DVD information … are you? No, you’re not. Shock Till You Drop just got word that work has officially begun on a box set for Season One episodes, though no other details were forthcoming … yet. More when we know it!

    Johnny Butane

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