Goss Vs. Hellboy?


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Luike Goss chats up Hellboy IILuke Goss may have been around for a while, but he really didn’t get noticed by horror fans until his role in Guillermo del Toro’s Blade II, in which he played head Reaper Nomak. And we all know you’re nobody until the horror community recognizes you, right?

Goss gets to work with del Toro again when Hellboy II: The Golden Army kicks into gear soon, playing the role of Prince, Hellboy’s nemesis of sorts and leader of the army of fantasy creatures against the human race. However, according to a recent chat he had with Shock Till You Drop, there’s a bit more to the role than that, as is to be expected.

“The great thing about him is he’s not trying to take over the world,” he told the site. “He’s a rounded character that’s not just driven by greed and I think people are going to enjoy the depth Guillermo brings to him.”

Hellboy II is in pre-production now with del Toro enjoying the kind of freedom from studio backer Universal that only multiple Academy Award nominations (for Pan’s Labyrinth, of course) will give you. Be sure to read the rest of Shock’s chat with Goss right here, and catch him this weekend at Tribeca in the lead of Matthew Letuwyler (interview)’s Unearthed.

Johnny Butane

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