Slade Talks 30 Days


David Slade Talks 30 DaysImagine going from the hard drama but relatively simple shooting schedule of a film like Hard Candy straight into a big studio-funded, action-packed vampire story based on one of the most popular comics in recent memory.

Needless to say, David Slade is a bit exhausted now that 30 Days of Night has wrapped shooting, working on all the editing and scoring and effects to make sure the picture is perfect when it hits theaters this December. But it’s all worth it if what he says about the movie is true: “I think we have managed to re-invent the vampire genre.” God, I hope so.

The above quote comes from a recent interview Slade did with comic site Newsarama in which he discusses the look of the film (“a kind of netherworld between a harsh reality and the beautiful stylistic artwork of Ben Templesmith”), the effects (“We are not too heavy on CGI effects — though we have some fairly remarkable things happening digitally that I believe have never been quite done this way, at least not to this extent before”), and the characters’ aesthetic (“We retained as many of Ben’s character designs as we could, and overall, the Barrow of the graphic novel … in one case, down to the patterns on a character’s fabric”).

It’s a pretty quick interview but interesting nonetheless, so be sure you click here to read the whole thing!

Johnny Butane

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