Dead Silence This July


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Dead Silence on DVD this July! (click to see the pic bigger!)One of my favorite movies of the year so far, James Wan’s anti-Saw entry Dead Silence (review), is on its way to your home come July 10th, 2007 according to DVD Active.

The site reports that the Dead Silence DVD will feature deleted scenes including an alternate beginning and ending, a making-of featurette, “Mary Shaw’s Secrets” featurette, “Evolution of Visual FX” featurette and the music video for Aiden’s “We Sleep Forever” (?). The disc will be out on both regular and HD formats and should set you back about $24.

For those of you who missed it, Dead Silence is the story of Mary Shaw. Seems she had no children, only dolls. When the townspeople of Raven’s Fair lynched her because they suspected her of kidnapping a local child, she didn’t take it too well. Now she’s back with all her dolls and ready to enact revenge on those who wronged her. Wan did a fantastic job making an old school, Gothic thriller that’s short on blood but high on creepy imagery.

Don’t miss it when it hits DVD on July 10th!

Johnny Butane

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