Found Footage 3D Stills Go Analog


On tap right now we have some 2D images from Found Footage 3D. The flick will have its world premiere at the Bruce Campbell Horror Film Festival on August 20th and its international premiere at London’s FrightFest on August 29th.

Steven DeGennaro’s Found Footage 3D aims to breathe new life into the sub-genre by deconstructing it and bringing it into three dimensions. “What Scream did for slasher films, we aim to do for found footage,” says writer/director DeGennaro. “Being the first found footage horror movie shot in 3D allows us to do things that no found footage movie or 3D movie has ever been able to do before.”

Carter Roy, Alena von Stroheim, Chris O’Brien, Tom Saporito, Scott Allen Perry, Jessica Perrin, and Scott Weinberg star.

Produced by Kim Henkel, co-creator of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Found Footage 3D tells the story of a group of filmmakers who set out to make “the first 3D found-footage horror film” but find themselves in a found-footage horror film when the evil entity from their movie escapes into their behind-the-scenes footage.

Found Footage 3D



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