Solomon Faces Captvity


Captivity poster (click to see it bigger!)I know you’re going to be listening to Paula Zahn’s show on CNN anyway, but now you’ve got an even better reason! One you can even share with your fellow horror fans!

We just got a heads up that Courtney Solomon, president of After Dark Films, will be on Paula’s show tonight at 8pm EST/5pm PST to discuss the controversy surrounding the ads for Captivity, which we last told you about right here.

The film, which stars Elisha Cuthbert as a fashion model who’s captured by a psycho and subjected to horrific tortures, has been the subject of a lot of uproar after billboards for the film appeared showing the star in various stages of uncomfortable situations, including one panel that made her look dead. Solomon’s been pretty vocal about his treatment by the MPAA so far (check out Shock Till You Drop’s chat with him for a taste), but this is the first time he’ll be called out on national television. Should be interesting.

It’ll also be interesting to see if this controversy has any say over how the film does when it’s released on May 18th. Something tells me it won’t…

Johnny Butane

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