Statham Looking to Death Race


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Jason Statham in talks for Death Race 3000I’m not sure why anyone in their right mind would get excited about the remake of Death Race 2000, now called Death Race 3000, considering it’s got one and only hack master Paul W.S. Anderson on both the script and the helm, but we online fans can be an odd bunch.

If you’re in the same boat of un-excitement as I am, perhaps this will help: The Hollywood Reporter announced today that all around badass Jason Statham (pictured) is in talks to star in the remake, being produced by Tom Cruise’s C/W Productions as well as Anderson’s own Impact Pictures.

The original Death Race starred David Carradine and Sylvester Stalone and took place in a dystopian future where the president presided over a race across country, from New York to LA, with a method of scoring set up for each innocent civilian killed by the racers. Who knows what kind of hackneyed crap Anderson will come up with for the remake, but something tells me it’s still going to make a lot of money opening weekend. Such a sad, sad world we live in sometimes.

Johnny Butane

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