Shiban on Rest Stop 2


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John Shiban talks Rest Stop 2Remember the first direct-to-DVD horror from Warner Bros. experimental Raw Feed banner, Rest Stop (review)? Warner Bros. certainly does because according to them it’s sold more than any other DVD in their history (c’mon, even Batman?), and so of course they now want another.

Rest Stop director John Shiban (hear our interview with him here) talked to the folks at Moviehole recently about that very subject. He’s digging into the outline for Rest Stop 2 right now and has intentions to bring back star Jamie Alexander. “I’m going to try, yeah. This is how I see it – and this is the way I explained it to Warners,” he told the ‘Hole. “Remember Mad Max? And remember the Road Warrior? It was the same mythology and same character, but it not only took it up a step, it took it in a different direction. I definitely want to bring back a number of the [original] people and keep the mythology going – but I just want to do a much different kind of movie.”

That’s good thinking all around; there’s nothing more disappointing than a sequel that just re-treads the same old ground again. Check out the the rest of the article on Moviehole for more, and keep your eyeballs there for the full interview later this week.

Johnny Butane

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