Ghost House Goes to Hell


Ghost House starts work on Drag Me to HellIt’s a small bit of news, but the title and promise from the mouth of Sam Raimi are enough to make it update-worthy.

Horror got a chance to chat up Spider-Man moviemaker Sam Raimi recently, who dropped a bit of info on a new Ghost House movie that’s in pre-production called Drag Me to Hell.

The film will mark the directorial debut of Spider-Man trilogy Second Unit Director Jeffrey Lynch (who also worked as a storyboard artist on Jason Goes to Hell, so he has some experience with the underworld), and Raimi described the film as “a nonstop low budget horror picture.” Sounds pretty good to me!

Ghost House is wrapping up work on 30 Days of Night as we speak; look for that this October, and keep your eyeballs here for more on Drag Me to Hell as we learn it!

Johnny Butane

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