AMC Makes New Horror


AMC Monsterfest logoLooks like AMC is taking its tagline, "TV For Movie People," to heart with today's announcement of a slew of original scripted projects that are now in development at the channel. Though I'm a bit concerned with what they're going to do with our genre considering they have Halloween 5 listed as an American Movie Classic, I can't help but be more than a little curious.Adam and Seth Gross, the writing duo behind last year's Devour, are working on what is being called a family-horror hybrid that will be executive produced by Donnie Darko helmer Richard Kelly, for example. There's also an adaptation of Warren Ellis' Dead Channel, and Shadow of the Vampire penner Steven Katz is working on a modern-day thriller in the vein of Rosemary's Baby and The Shining. Some interesting talent is involved, and I bet all three projects are worth keeping an eye one. Though AMC insists it's not about volume — they hope to premiere at least one weekly series next summer — they understand the inherent money to be made by appealing to our genre, due largely to the success of the channel's annual MonsterFest marathon. "Our shows will put a distinct spin on traditional genres," Vice President Christina Wayne told Variety. "We're not just going to rehash a Western or a horror. They all will feel contemporary in some way and new." Here's hoping they stick to that promise!

Johnny Butane 

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