Father Van Damme


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Van Damme to star in a quasi-horror movie?The power of Jean-Claude compels you! The power of Jean-Claude compels you!

Moviehole learned that Sheldon Lettich, screenwriter of Rambo III and director of The Order, talked to the folks at Van Damme Fan about his latest script, Holy Blood, in which Jean-Claude will portray a priest in a story Lettich describes as “The Exorcist meets The X-Files”. Wow, that sure doesn’t enlighten much.

Lettich insists it’s not a horror movie per se, but since he references The Exorcist, there’s got to be some kind of demonic possession going down, right? All he’ll say about it is that it “deals with the occult and the supernatural, and there’s certainly some stuff in it that’s designed to be creepy and/or scary.”

I would like to apologize to The Foywonder for nabbing this story, too, as it sounds like prime territory for him to reference every Jean-Claude Van Damme movie he could in a few paragraphs. Perhaps when we have some updates I can make up for it?

Johnny Butane

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