Prom Night Remake PG-13

“Prom Night! Everything is all right!”
I know many chicks who love horror movies have emulated Jamie Lee Curtis’ dance scene from the 80’s slasher classic, Prom Night.
With the remake looming, I am sad to say that things do not seem “all right”. In fact, I can’t help but wonder: What’s the point?
The word came down today from reader Greg Conley, who had the producer/writer of the remake, J. S. Cardone, on his podcast show for, that they’re shooting for a PG-13 rating instead of the R we had all hoped for. Know what that means? Another bloodless slasher film filled with pretty teens whose floating heads will no doubt be Photoshopped lovingly onto a poster. Joy.
Cardone also went on to talk about his plans to do a remake of The Stepfather for Sony as well. Click the above link. Listen. Cringe.
My head hurts.
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