*UPDATED!* Dread Central’s Guide to Podcasting!


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The radio sucks. Always has. Sure, the satellite waves are finally giving us quality programs, but they’ll cost you a hefty chunk of change. Living in Los Angeles, I can do without the pop-culture talk box, so I rely on one thing to keep my sanity in check through the endless hours of highway traffic – the wonderful world of podcasting. Whether it’s Bill Maher’s political rants or an episode discussion on Galactica Watercooler, there’s something out there to fit all tastes and the horror genre is no exception.

Finding a good podcast is like chowing down on a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans™ – for every sweet morsel, you have to sift through a thousand bile-raising unmentionables. Any nerd with a microphone can (and usually will) broadcast their voice across the net and most have the charisma of your average tax accountant. Nonetheless, there are a handful of worthy shows that deserve special props for their hard work and dedication. In celebration of the talented few, and our own Dinner for Fiends webcast, Dread Central has scoured the depths of cyberspace to bring you the very best in the world of horror podcasting.

They make going to the gym bearable.

The Mondo Movie Podcast

  • The Mondo Movie Podcast
    For lovers of horror, cult, and bizarro cinema, the Mondo Movie Podcast is bar none the best on the net. Broadcasting from London, hosts Ben Howard and Dan Auty provide expert discussions on all things genre, new and old, foreign and domestic, obscure and popular. They’re both incredibly knowledgeable and have no limits, jumping from high-brow art-house to Z-grade exploitation, often within a single sentence. Most importantly, they manage to give intelligent, in-depth critiques without sounding snobby or fanboyish. A gift to movie fans everywhere, once you listen, you’ll be forever hooked.

    Reel Horror

  • The Reel Horror Podcast
    When it comes to soapbox-style rants, Reel Horror boys Michael Sean Becker and Mike Carbone are the dominate voices in podcasting. They’re foul-mouthed, funny, and every bit as jaded as you are. When not ripping on each other, they give reviews, discuss the latest headlines, and occasionally work in interviews with industry names. Even the nerdy call-in reviews from “Dr Puss” start to grow on you after awhile (provided he never sings). There’s never a dull moment, especially when the two mercilessly destroy their Internet detractors. It may be more chaotic than informative, but Reel Horror makes for some damn fine entertainment.

    The Monster Squad Terrorcast

  • The Monster Squad Terrorcast
    At first listen, The Monster Squad Terrorcast may sound like another amateur show, but don’t let the meager production values fool you: Hosts Kent Shelton and partner “Trace” know their shit. Their voices are about as far from radio-friendly as they come, but it hardly matters; their banter is smart, lively, and extremely funny. Aside from the usual news and reviews, there are two great sections: “It Came From NetFlix” where Kent reviews the films that randomly appear in his mailbox and “Buried But Not Dead,” a section dedicated to lost gems that are honest-to-God obscure. A podcast that can turn even hardcore fans onto new material is something special in and of itself. Check ‘em out.

    **UPDATE**: After an overwhelming flood of e-mails, a few more quality podcasts have come heartily recommended by our readers:

  • DeadPit: Horror Talk Radio
    Featuring podcast archives of the popular Kentucky radio call-in show. Check out their latest Friday the 13th discussion with series stars Adrienne King and Amy Steel.

  • Your Video Store Shelf
    Foywonder fans, take note! If you’re addicted to the DTV world of low-budget creature flix and Cinemax softcore, this podcast is for you! In each episode host Gregory Conley interviews the minds behind the movies we love to watch while drunk at 3am.
  • Of course, there are countless other horror-themed shows on the net (listen at your own risk), but none match the quality found above. For more information on these and other podcasts, log onto PodcastAlley.com. Don’t forget to vote for these fine folks while you’re there.

    Andrew Kasch

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