Saw Blog Returns


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“SAW IV is not a step backwards — it’s a leap forward…” So says its director Darren Lynn Bousman via his brand-spanking new blog over on Fearnet.

Though it’s being pimped as a Saw IV blog, Bousman said he will use the format to dish out info on the projects he’s got his hands on, from Repo – The Genetic Opera to the Scanners remake.

So does this mean he’ll be doing all the talkin’ about the sequel so we don’t have to? Of course not! We’ll update you when he updates, at least if it’s something newsworthy, so don’t fear. You won’t have to do anything other than come here at least 6 times a day to make sure you don’t miss anything.

“I could make these movies for the rest of my life…. Will I? No… Could I? Yes! This is no longer a job… no longer ‘just another movie’ — this is a family… a lifestyle…” I’m sure Lionsgate will love to read that since the Saw franchise is basically a money-printing machine for them.

Check out the Saw IV blog here to get informed!

Johnny Butane

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