Romero Screams for I Scream

Clint Howard may have made the role of The Ice Cream Man his own back in the day, but now filmmaker J.T. Mollner is attempting to create the ultimate ice cream-themed horror film.
It’s called The I Scream Man and while at first glance it may seem like just another throwaway slasher yarn, the kind of lineup he’s got for the cast alone is enough to give it a second look. At its core The I Scream Man is about a vengeful ice cream vendor, haunted by memories of a traumatic past, and the killing spree he goes on in the small town of Hooper, Wyoming.
Today Mollner informed the folks at Fangoria that not only has Fred Ward (Tremors) signed on to join with Judd Nelson, Tom Sizemore, Crispin Glover (in the title role) and Haylie Duff, but King of the Zombies George A. Romero will be making a cameo in the film! He will play a bartender in Carpenter’s Tavern according to Mollner and will hopefully be given a good amount of screen time with the role. Surely that’s a good sign!
Stay tuned for more on I Scream Man, which is set to roll in a few days up in Eugene, Oregon in the next few weeks!
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