Rodriguez Finds an Open Grave


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Curandero director Eduardo Rodriguez signs on to Open GraveMany moons ago (here to be specific) we first told you about a rather interesting sounding film being developed by Nala Films called Open Grave. All’s been quiet since then so we figured deals were being made and paychecks negotiated, and sure enough Variety announced today that Eduardo Rodriguez, he of Curandero (pictured) infamy, has signed on to direct.

For those hazy on the plot (or too lazy to click), Open Grave concerns a man who awakens to find himself in a pit full of dead bodies with zero knowledge as to how he got there. To make matters worse, he’s rescued by a whole group of amnesiacs, and it’s up to him to discover which of them is the mass murderer.

Rodriguez helmed the still-unseen Curandero (which was produced and written by Robert Rodriguez, no relation) back in 2005, promptly scooped up by Dimension, and is currently resting comfortably on a shelf somewhere awaiting its day in the sun. Perhaps news of a new gig will prompt the Weinsteins to finally put the movie out? Probably not, since Rodriguez has already been announced to direct the Clive Barker adaptation Dread, and his first film is no closer to release than before.

Johnny Butane

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