David R. Ellis in Talks to Unleash War Monkeys

It’s been nearly two whole years since we talked about a big screen adaptation of Dark Horse’s pissed off simians run amok film, War Monkeys, but a lot can happen with the passage of time, including a change of director!
Buried deep within a news story from a few days ago (we miss shit sometimes) on Variety, it was revealed that pre-production has begun on the $20 million comic/horror pic War Monkeys and that Final Destination franchise director David R. Ellis is in negotiations to replace Kyle Newman at the helm in this latest Dark Horse comic book adaptation.
For those not in the know, War Monkeys is a horror/comedy about two janitors who get stuck in an underground research facility over the Christmas holiday and have to deal with military-trained Rhesus monkeys, which sounds like it’d be very cute but is likely quite terrifying.

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