Full Length Don’t?


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Wright thinking about full-length Don't?As you’ll hear in the latest Dinner for Fiends, the trailer for Edgar Wright’s Don’t that played between Planet Terror and Death Proof was definitely my favorite faux coming attraction of the bunch. It made no sense but captured that old-school, 70’s ghost movie trailer vibe perfectly.

Wright himself has said that he has no idea what the movie is about, but that won’t stop him from possibly making it into a feature anyway, as he told Rotten Tomatoes recently.

“If it was [turned] into a feature, it’d have to be like Dario Argento and Suspiria,” Wright told the vegetable-themed site. “Suspiria is I think one of the few films that feels like a dream you’ve had when you’ve had too much cheese. It’s just like the weirdest bad dream you’ve ever had. I love those films that have the nightmare logic and don’t really have any plots or story. It’s just like horrible bad dream after bad dream.”

Wright’s attached to at least three other movies now that Hot Fuzz is in the bag, so who knows if and when he’ll even be able to get to this anyway. Of course since he still has no idea what it’s about either, that could beg the question of if it’d be worth expanding to a feature.

The short answer? Yes, it is. It’s fucking Edgar Wright, people.

Keep it here for more!

Johnny Butane

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